Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cow Dung

As you may have guessed from the title, this might seem like a mindless post but let me defend myself. This could be a pursuit culture appreciation.

If you don't already know, I celebrate the Kedahan life. I love the dialect and people here are very amicable and funny.  I was not born here and my dialect ain't very piau (though undetectable by non-Kedahan ears), but I've lived here for most of life. So I pretty much have understood the nuances and culture here. Well, not that it has a stark difference from other parts of  Malaysia.

Anywho*, one day, at my college in Shah Alam, I smelled a stench that came from outside . I was with a friend that time. I commented , " Bau macam tahi lembu", and my friend laughed in disbelief, " As if you know what cow dung smells like!",

Now it was my turn to be in disbelief.


But then I realized, it was only natural that someone who has grown up in the city would not know what cow dung smells like. For Kedahans ( and guessing, also true for Kelantanese), cows and its odor are deeply intertwined with our lives. This might sound like I'm generalizing from personal experiences but feel free to disagree with me.

Okay, this does sound like a mindless post.

All jokes aside, I do like to ponder on this cross-culture bizarreness. Especially now that I'm in college, I get to meet people from even more diverse backgrounds. Which is really cool.

I guess I am interested in people,at least in this sense. To sum it up, a Javanese friend of mine once said, "Aifa ni suka tanya pasal Kejawaan aku".

*I just realized anywho is a somewhat-proper word. I've ignorantly spelt it as anywhoo all this while. Haha. 

Overused Excuses and Divine Speech

I'm back (again)!

I know it's been about six moths since I last posted and I won't give the following excuses:

a) I'm too lazy
b) Procrastination is my middle name
c) I'm busy
d) I have a writer's block

The fact that I laid them all out means they're  all sort of true. Except for (d) because I did think of some posts to write but never realized them, which brings me back to a,b,c.

Obligatory introduction aside, sometime ago I read all my posts again and MY GOD the posts were so cringe-worthy.  I have finally come to this stage where I get embarrassed of the stuff I wrote back then. Ironically, I didn't understand when other bloggers say this kind of stuff back then. Now I know better.


So I came back from Divine Speech which was awesome!

I've always loved Nouman Ali Khan's talks. I can say that Divine Speech is the best seminar I've ever attended.These are some of the topics discussed (which I copied from its web page).

Why does the Qur’an repeat itself so much? Why are its stories not in chronological order? Why are its chapters in the sequence they are in?  What is the purpose of the oaths in the Qur’an?  Why are there claims that the Qur’an has grammatical mistakes?

And good news, the seminar will be aired on Bayyinah TV. Before Divine Speech is uploaded, you should check the other videos. Go subscribe! Payment is optional.

Not to romanticize anything but Bayyinah is one of the best things that has happened to my life. To know and truly believe that the Quran is from God, rather than just being told it is so,  is just superb.

I don't know if I can ever promise to write constantly but I do want to.
