Sunday, January 11, 2015

To Kill a Mockingjay

What do Atticus Finch of To Kill a Mockingbird and Hassan of The Kite Runner have in common? They are my two most favourite fictional characters. Probably some of you might think that that is so cliche, but I can't help it. They really struck me as awesome characters!

It's not often that I am awed by fictional characters. Well, partly because I rarely read fiction. I just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird (One time, I accidentally typed To Kill a Mockingjay). I must say that it was a very enjoyable read. It really changed my perspective on fictional books. I stopped reading fiction avidly ever since I started picking up a book on Nelson Mandela. And I decided to abandon said genre for good. Once  a while I did pick up some fictional books but only if they were really famous and had good reviews.

Now I realize before Mandela, I had been reading lots of trashy fiction books which were fun to read but did not give any real satisfaction. After so many Shopaholics, I felt empty maybe. I don't quite remember. However, I do remember feeling very good after finishing the Mandela book. And thus, I was resolute with my decision.

But To Kill  a Mockingbird made me feel like picking up more good literature like this. I still prefer non-fiction, but you can say I am more open to different type of books.


  1. In that case, you might like Catcher in the Rye!

  2. Hey thanks for the suggestion! I was browsing through some book titles and couldn't find one that I like.

