Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Football Review

I had already accepted the fact that I am quite "lembut" when playing sports. I remember my netball coach shouting at me to toughen up, because yeah, I was quite dainty for the sport. Which is a sad thing, because netball is not a sport that requires much toughness. But this week, ATUSA hosted an American Sports Week and I found out that I'm not that bad. The last game, "Touch" Football made up for the everything else that was lacking in the event.

I say touch with inverted  commas because in the end we didn't stick to the rules. It was quite liberating to be running loose in the field. In contrast, touch football (and even netball) is full with the blowing of whistles.

Anyway, I discovered two things about myself.

1. I am quite okay with hurting other people. That sounds so morbid but what I mean is that I remember thinking that maybe I wouldn't be a good player because I probably wouldn't have the heart to hurt anyone anymore. Well, I proved myself wrong when I tackled an opponent and friend, wringing her arms off me when in fact it I was the one holding her in the first place. Yeah, I was really into the game.

2. I am stuck in an old woman's body. One day after the game, my arms started to hurt badly. It actually still hurts, even today but it has gotten better. Right after the game, I had a cramp, which lately, has become the rule rather than the exception. Whenever I over exert myself I'd get a cramp attack at the same spot!

Anyway, cheers to rugby! The pain I suffered during and after the game was worth it.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to have played a specific type of football because we initially followed the 'touch football' rules but when it was clear that it wasn't feasible, we decided with "no rules". So yeah.

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