Monday, November 9, 2009

Inspiring speeches

I'm still not used to the jetlag.Here I am watching infront of the tv watching Fringe. What timedo the Irish sleep? I do not know. But what I know is that my friends are praying for fajr right now. Anyway, my sistersand I thought we could watch Merlin season Two live yesterday but we slept throughout the evening. Jetlagged!

Today, we walked around the area and visited Royal College of Surgeon.Mum'sand Dad's did their studies there. So we were just walking in the building when this Malaysian student asked if we came to hear the talk given by Yusha Evans. Well we were allowed to and we did anyway. Truly inspiring.He says good muslims are often seen as strange. And you don't want people saying ,'I like you because you are a moderate muslim'. Awesome I say.

And right now I'm reading Leftenan Adnan and Pilia brought along Kapten Hassan. You know,just so we don't go overboard in the West. Ha I so do not believe in that poop. Ok,I this must be the jetlag. Gonna go and get some sleep now.Zoo trip's tommorrow.

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